IT Controls – General and Application Controls

Types of Controls and Scope

General controls – The organization’s entire processing environment
Application controls – Particular to each of the organization’s applications

Three Categories of Application Controls are: 

Input controls
Processing controls
Output controls

Three types of controls classified by function are:

Preventive controls
Detective controls
Corrective controls

Input controls provide reasonable assurance that data submitted for processing are

Examples of Input Controls are:
Preformatting Entry in an online tax return
Edit (field) checks – Rejecting the input of letters for SSNs
Limit (reasonableness) checks –  Rejecting working hours of over 100 per week
Check digits – Using algorithms to verify ID numbers
Record count – Matching the number of time clock cards with the number of payroll records processed
Financial total – Matching the sum of individual salaries with total salaries
Hash total – Matching the sum of individual SSNs with a predetermined total

Processing controls provide reasonable assurance about:
Processing controls provide reasonable assurance that
All data submitted for processing are processed
Only approved data are processed

Examples of processing controls.
Control Description /Example
Validation Rejecting transactions by vendors whose vendor numbers are not in the vendor master file
Completeness check –  Rejecting records with missing data
Arithmetic controls – Zero-balance checking

Output controls provide assurance that processing was complete and accurate.

Control Description/Example
Audit trail Checking for the completeness of each process
Error listing Reporting all transactions rejected by the system

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